Exercise 12.1

Exercise 12.1#

Question 1#

NumPy has a number of Mathematical functions and Constants. Use these to plot the following:

(1) \(sin(x)\) for \(0 < x < 2\pi\)


(2) \(|x - 2|\) for \(0 < x < 3\)


Make sure to label the \(x\) and \(y\) axis.

Question 2#

Plot a unit circle. Remember that the circle can be parameterized as:

(3)#\[\begin{align} x(s) &= \cos(2 \pi s)\\ y(s) &= \sin(2 \pi s) \end{align}\]

for \(0 < s < 1\).


Hint: You can use the set_aspect() method of the axis object to prevent the circle from distorting.

Question 3#

Plot a spiral, parameterized by:

(4)#\[\begin{align} x(s) &= s \cos(2 \pi s)\\ y(s) &= s \sin(2 \pi s) \end{align}\]

for \(0 < s < 1\).
